June 2015

Celebrate Upcoming Seasons with Promo Products

Kelly Glass

Earlier this year, we posted about trade show giveaways and the need to strike the right note with audiences. For example, if you are a business exhibiting at a trade show some place where the sun shines year round, like Miami or Albuquerque, don’t pack the logoed ice scrapers and winter items for the show. That’s just common sense marketing.

Insurance Agents: More Dynamic (and Interesting) Than You Think!

Kelly Glass

Fairly or unfairly, insurance agents get typecast by the public and by the media, sometimes to hilarious effect. If you’ve ever seen the 1990s hit film “Groundhog Day” starring Bill Murray, you may remember the moment that Murray’s character (the snooty local news reporter named Phil Connors) bumps into an old high school classmate.

Building Your Brand

Kelly Glass

The American idea of DIY — short for “do it yourself” — is something that has long been considered one of the cornerstones of success in enterprise. Entrepreneurs use their own wits and personal drive to make small businesses and startups work. While self-reliance and perseverance are essential ingredients to making any business idea work, often the entrepreneur with a revolutionary product idea needs help with the elements of building a brand.